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common problem
How to deal with the springback of stamping die?
Release time:2023/2/20   Source:Chongqing Xicheng Hardware Manufacturing Co., Ltd.  Read:838Second
The springback phenomenon is a forming defect that is difficult to overcome in mold processing, so what is springback? Springback means that when the load is removed, the shape of the die will be partially restored, and the product shape and size are inconsistent with the shape and size of the working surface of the stamping die, which will cause the product size not within the tolerance range and affect the product accuracy. At present, it is urgent to solve the product error caused by rebound. Next, the editor will introduce the springback solution of stamping die.

1、 Product design

First of all, on the premise of meeting product requirements, operators should select materials with low yield to process. besides,

The springback phenomenon can also be effectively solved by properly increasing the thickness of the material; Secondly, the shape and design of the stamping die also have a very important impact on the springback phenomenon. For the complex shape of the stamping die, it is not only to bear the stress from all directions, but also to overcome the impact of friction, so it is difficult to eliminate the springback phenomenon. For this complex situation, it can be solved in the form of component combination; In addition, setting anti-rebound bars can also effectively solve springback defects. On the premise of not affecting other operations of the stamping die, anti-rebound bars can be set according to product requirements and springback requirements to maintain the shape of the product; Finally, the springback defect of stamping die can also be solved by reducing the value of R angle of bending part.

2、 Process design

First of all, adding the pre-forming process of the mold can make the one-time formed stamping parts completed in different processes, thus eliminating the internal stress in the forming process to a certain extent, and solving the springback defect; Secondly, if you want to solve the springback phenomenon, you can reduce the gap between the concave die and the punch, and adjust it to twice the thickness of the material, so that the distance between the material and the mold can reach the maximum fit degree; At the same time, hardening treatment of the die can also effectively reduce the wear and galling of the stamping parts and reduce the possibility of springback; Finally, using hydraulic stamping equipment and punch to set footer can also solve the springback defect to a certain extent.

3、 Die blank holder force

The blank holder force stamping process of the die is an important processing measure. Optimizing the blank holder force can adjust the flow direction of the material and improve the internal stress distribution of the material. Increasing the blank holder force can fully extend the side wall and R angle position of the mold, thus reducing the internal and external stresses and reducing the rebound.

4、 Drawbead

At present, the drawbead is widely used in the die manufacturing industry. Reasonable setting of the drawbead position can effectively change the feed resistance, thus improving the formability of the material. Setting the drawbead on the springback stamping die can reduce the springback phenomenon.
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