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Chongqing Xicheng Hardware Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Mobile phone:15909303966
Address:No. 7, Gusheng Road, Caojie Industrial Park, Hechuan District, Chongqing
common problem
How to deal with the springback of stamp
The springback phenomenon is a forming defect that is difficult to overcome in mold processing, so what is springback? Springback means that … more>>
Common problems and solutions of hardwar
In the process of debugging and maintenance, moulds often encounter various problems, which will seriously affect the delivery date of produ … more>>
What are the advantages of using injecti
The current mold can still be widely used. Injection mold, in simple terms, is also a method of injection molding and molding. It can not on … more>>
What aspects should be paid attention to
It is precisely because of the current molds that it is easier for major enterprises to produce products, especially to produce all kinds of … more>>
What factors are related to the service
All kinds of molds that appear now can still provide corresponding help in the production of products. Like plastic basket mold, it is also … more>>
What are the main quality inspection ite
Because of the higher and higher requirements for the quality of plastic injection molding products, friends will feel very distressed when … more>>
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023-42466988    15909303966
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No. 7, Gusheng Road, Caojie Industrial Park, Hechuan District, Chongqing
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