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What are the effects of injection molding conditions on products
Release time:2023/2/20   Source:Chongqing Xicheng Hardware Manufacturing Co., Ltd.  Read:818Second
In short, the performance complexity of plastic raw materials determines the complexity of the injection molding process. The performance of plastic materials is due to different varieties, different injection molding production and processing conditions, different grades, and even different batches. Different injection performance parameters will lead to different results.

The impact of injection molding production time on the molding process is shown in three aspects

(1) Due to the shear characteristics of plastic melt, the viscosity of the melt will be reduced. In order to fill the mold cavity, the injection pressure required will also be continuously reduced.

(2) The injection pressure required to fill the cavity should also be increased

(3) The greater the shear heating, the less the heat dissipated through heat conduction, so the higher the melt temperature, the lower the viscosity, and the lower the injection pressure required to fill the cavity.

Injection temperature is also a problem. The melt flows into the cooling cavity and loses heat due to heat conduction. At the same time, the heat generated by shearing may be more or less than that generated by heat conduction, which is caused by a variety of factors and mainly depends on the injection molding conditions. In addition, the viscosity of the melt decreases with the increase of temperature. Therefore, the higher the temperature during injection molding, the lower the viscosity of the melt and the lower the required filling pressure.

In the whole process of injection molding, the impact of different conditions on injection molding products is diverse.
Website of this article:http://www.chinacgzx.com/News_Show.asp?id=23
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