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What are the factors that affect the delivery date of plastic mold processing companies?
Release time:2023/2/20   Source:Chongqing Xicheng Hardware Manufacturing Co., Ltd.  Read:835Second
The processing cycle of plastic mold is relatively long, and its processing steps are many, and the process is complex, so it is inevitable to encounter many factors that are difficult to effectively control in the whole process, including the delivery date, which most customers care about. Sometimes even though the production equipment and process level of the manufacturers are similar, the delivery time is still different. Why does this happen? What are the factors that affect the delivery date of plastic mold processing companies?

1. The larger and more complex the design size of plastic parts, the longer the processing time of natural plastic mold and parts will be.

2. In addition, the product material properties have different requirements on the steel and processing technology of the mold, and the time will also be different.

3. According to the requirements of customers, the appearance requirements and dimensional accuracy of injection molding products are also important factors affecting the processing cycle of plastic molds.

4. What is the expected output of injection mold, whether the mold is made of multiple holes or one hole. Making two products is definitely different from one product, and the processing time will be longer.

5. The more complex the shape of plastic parts, the more difficult the plastic mold processing will be. In other words, the more plastic parts are classified, the more assembly positions, buckle positions and hole positions are, the more difficult the mold processing is, and the longer the mold processing time is.
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