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Research and analysis on the development status of mould collaborative technology
Release time:2023/2/20   Source:Chongqing Xicheng Hardware Manufacturing Co., Ltd.  Read:839Second
With the development of information technology and computer network technology, manufacturing industry has entered a new era of global competition. As one of the important basic industries of modern manufacturing industry, mold manufacturing industry is widely used in production. Almost all hardware, plastic and rubber products need to be processed by mold. Because the efficiency of mold design and manufacturing has a decisive impact on the efficiency of product development, in order to adapt to the needs of global competition, mold enterprises must move from decentralization to cooperation, and mold design units, manufacturing enterprises and mold users must carry out full cooperation and communication, and use networked collaborative technology to give full play to their technical advantages, in order to rapidly develop high-quality mold products.

The development status of mold collaborative technology: Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) was first proposed by Irene Greif of MIT and Paul Cashman of Degiddo (DEC) in 1984. It refers to the collaborative work of a group to complete a common task (i.e. CW) in the environment of computer technology support (i.e. CS). Its goal is to design a variety of collaborative work application systems. It includes the construction of collaborative work system, the research of group work mode, the research of related technologies supporting group work, and the development of application systems. In recent years, a lot of research has been done at home and abroad on the collaborative design and manufacturing platform of moulds. A large number of scholars are doing research on the networked collaborative platform of moulds and have made certain achievements. However, because some key technical links have not been solved, some of the so-called "collaboration" that are being implemented are simply negotiated through e-mail, and some are only used within a single enterprise. These can not be called network collaboration in a complete sense. In order to truly realize effective networked collaborative design and manufacturing in mold product development, a lot of research and development work needs to be done down-to-earth.

The development direction of mould collaborative technology: networked collaborative design and manufacturing is the main production mode of manufacturing industry in the 21st century. It effectively improves the resource utilization rate of the industry, strengthens the cooperation between enterprises, and greatly improves the production efficiency. With the continuous progress of science and technology, the manufacturing industry is developing in the direction of digitalization, intelligence, networking and globalization. The life cycle of products is shorter and shorter, and the speed of new products to market is faster and faster. At present, computer technology has been widely used in the processing and manufacturing industry. Some mold manufacturing enterprises in China are also gradually adopting advanced technologies such as CAD/CAPP/CAE/CAM for mold development, and have achieved certain results. However, in general, there is still a big gap between China's mold development technology and market requirements. Therefore, establishing an industrial collaborative design and manufacturing platform, fully activating the resource cooperation in the industry, and optimizing the design and manufacturing process will greatly promote the overall competitiveness of the industry. Industry-oriented mold networked collaborative platform improves the innovation and flexibility of industry products by integrating industry manufacturing information and resources, including mold networked collaborative development, networked material supply, networked production and manufacturing, networked equipment, technology, human resources, development tools and management software sharing and other industry networked collaborative service platforms The ability to resist risks and the overall competitiveness of the industry.

The functional modules of the industry-oriented mold networked collaboration platform mainly include public resources, market information resources, and collaboration platform. The market information part realizes a complete supply chain, and registered enterprises can publish purchase and supply information. If an enterprise needs outsourcing, it can also carry out bidding and tendering operations. Collaborative work is the most critical part of the collaborative platform. After establishing a collaboration relationship, enterprises can apply the functions of the collaborative work platform, from project creation to task decomposition, to collaboration and adjustment, and finally to logout. They can communicate at any time through the collaboration methods provided by the platform. The networked collaborative development model requires personnel from multiple departments of different enterprises to perform various sub-tasks of the project at different locations at the same time. In order to support group collaborative work, an integrated collaborative project management system must be established. The collaborative project management system is based on the Web network, and resources (data, documents, design tools, etc.) are shared by the project manager and each collaborative working group under certain authority.
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