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Model manufacturing is inseparable from high-precision molds, and developers should not ignore the communication
Release time:2023/2/20   Source:Chongqing Xicheng Hardware Manufacturing Co., Ltd.  Read:835Second
When developing products or trial-producing new products, we should not only focus on research and development, but also ignore the communication with the model manufacturing unit. After the preliminary determination of the product design scheme, contacting the manufacturer in advance has two advantages:

1. It can ensure that the designed products have a good molding process, and will not process and modify the ZUI final design for the reason of parts.

2. The mold manufacturer can make design preparation in advance to prevent hasty consideration from affecting the construction period.

In short, in the process of producing high-quality models, only by close cooperation between the supplier and the supplier can ZUI ultimately reduce costs and shorten the cycle. Grinding tools are indispensable for model manufacturing.

There are many kinds of moulds, which can be roughly divided into ten categories. According to the different requirements of part materials, physical and chemical properties, mechanical strength, dimensional accuracy, surface finish, service life and economy, different types of molds are selected for molding. High-precision molds need high-precision cnc machine tools, which have strict requirements for mold materials and molding technology, and also need cad/cae technology for mold design analysis. Some parts have special requirements during molding, and the mold also needs to adopt advanced technologies such as hot runner, gas-assisted molding, nitrogen bottle, etc. The manufacturing enterprise shall have CNC, EDM, wire cutting and CNC imitation milling equipment, high-precision grinder, high-precision CMM, computer design and relevant software. Generally, large stamping dies (such as automobile panel dies) should consider whether the machine tool has a blanking mechanism, even lubricating oil, multi-station progressive, etc. In addition to the stamping tonnage, the quantity of feed rate, feed device, machine tool and mold protection device must also be considered.

The manufacturing methods and processes of the above molds are not possessed and mastered by every enterprise. When selecting a cooperative manufacturer, we must understand its processing capability, not only the hardware equipment, but also the management level, processing experience and technical strength.

For the same set of molds, the price difference between different manufacturers is sometimes very large. The fee you pay should not exceed the value of the mold, and your fee should not be lower than the cost of the mold. Like you, mold manufacturers hope to make reasonable profits in their business. Ordering a set of molds at a much lower price will be a troublesome start. Users should start from their own needs and comprehensively measure.

Avoid multi-party cooperation and try to achieve one-stop mold production and product processing

With qualified molds (qualified samples), it is not always possible to produce qualified products in batches. This is mainly related to the selection of the machine tool, the molding process (molding temperature, molding time, etc.), and the technical quality of the operator. A good mold must have a good molding process, and try to avoid multi-head cooperation, in order to have a good model manufacturing.
Website of this article:http://www.chinacgzx.com/News_Show.asp?id=27
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